Dichter fan Fryslân

Poet of Fryslân

Dichter van Fryslân

Arjan Hut 23/07/2024

Summer Offline

and the wind plays am ambiguous song
and the rain types a banned book on the rooftops

“God’s taking photos,” Mum said when lightning struck

I’m just a simple Frisian
not cut out for office work
no head for numbers
and two left hands

so I muddle along with poems

sometimes I stumble,
a dunderhead full of worries, no,
a thunderhead full of sparks!
to the window
almost tripping
over summer’s slimmest stripe

when, from the back of the room,
a voice I know so well: “Look at those
tumbling clouds, what a wonderful sky!”



Translation: David Colmer

Poet of Fryslân

The Poet of Fryslân writes six to ten poems a year, and knows how to reach and tie to an audience with his poetry. The poems are highly preferred in the Frisian language or in a Frisian regional language.

The Poet of Fryslân acts as a poetic ambassador and takes care of Fryslân’s poetic representation in a modern and inviting manner. Inside and outside the province. Preferably inspired by actual events or special moments that occur in our province. The Poet of Fryslân knows, in a contemporary and accessible way, how to present current and social themes in poetry.

The Poet of Fryslân is expected to perform a number of times a year on yet to be determined occasions.

Arjan Hut

Arjan Hut (Drachten, 1976) grew up in Surhuisterveen and published his first poetry book ‘Nachtswimmers’ in 2004. He was previously poet laureate of Leeuwarden and was appointed Wâld poet of the municipality of Achtkarspelen in 2019 for two years. Hut is editor of ‘de Moanne’,  teaches poetry at the Skriuwersfakskoalle and the Schrijversvakschool and produces a podcast called ‘Net Ferkeard’ in collaboration with Gabriëlle Terpstra. He would like to know exactly what happened to JFK, loves books, films, samba jazz and hard rock. He is married, has two children and a cat. His most recent, sixth poetry book, was published in 2023, called: ‘Ien tel de ierde stil’.