Arjan Hut (Drachten, 1976) grew up in Surhuisterveen and published his first poetry book ‘Nachtswimmers’ in 2004. He was previously poet laureate of Leeuwarden and was appointed Wâld poet of the municipality of Achtkarspelen in 2019. Hut is editor of ‘de Moanne’, teaches poetry at the Skriuwersfakskoalle and the Schrijversvakschool and produces a podcast called ‘Net Ferkeard’ in collaboration with Gabriëlle Terpstra. He would like to know exactly what happened to JFK, loves books, films, samba jazz and hard rock. He is married, has two children and a cat. His most recent, sixth poetry book, was published in 2023, called: ‘Ien tel de ierde stil’.
Arjan Hut about his appointment as Poet of Fryslân: ‘It would be nice if I could provide a counterbalance in the time of oracles, interpreters and answers, and represent a space where there is a place for doubt. A successful poem is composed in such a way that everyone sees something different in it. There is not one truth, one correct meaning or one interpretation. Besides that: less WiFi, more poetry!’