Poet of Fryslân at UIT-Festival Leeuwarden


Moarn 2 septimber tusken 13:00 en 17:00 oere presintearje kultureel tydskrift de Moanne en Recreatieschap Marrekrite alle oeren 4 dichters mei Fryske, Nederlânske en Flaamske poëzij.

De Marboei-dichters Saskia Stehouwer, Maarten Inghels, Syds Wiersma en de Dichter fan Fryslân, Eeltsje Hettinga bringe in literêr programma fol prachtige Marboei-poëzij. Wolkom yn de Ljouwerter Prinsetún oan bakboardkant fan it Marboeiskip. Nim plak op ien fan de Marboeien yn de Prinsetún en lústerje nei de moaiste poëzij fanôf it Fryske wetter.

‘Lighten up, Kim Jong-un’, a new poem by the Poet Laureate of Friesland


‘Lighten up, Kim Jong-un’ is the latest poem by Arjan Hut as Poet Laureate of Friesland. Today it can also be read in the regional newspapers Friesch Dagblad, Leeuwarder Courant and on the website of Omrop Fryslân.

New poem by Poet Laureate of Friesland


The Poet Laureate of Friesland, Arjan Hut: “Shall we just assume that it is still raining when this poem appears? The weather can force us inside. But for some a window is a privacy leak, for others a thing to to look outside.”